Temple of Forgiveness with Kuan Yin - 12th Dimension

Temple of Forgiveness with Kuan Yin - 12th Dimension


Journey to the 12th Dimension to the Temple of Forgiveness with Kuan Yin - The Mother of Forgiveness and Mercy. The Mother of Compassion and known as the one who sees and hears the cries of humanity.

Forgiveness is one of the most important healings we can give to ourselves in order to release us from the past. Forgiveness does not condone what took place, but it simply releases us from the past experience so that we can continue our journey towards our freedom and liberation.

Forgiving others is essential for spiritual growth. If we hold onto an experience of deep hurt and pain, the anger and resentment continues to stay within us creating more rage, more resentment and more defensiveness within. We take this energy into other relationships too as we see patterns repeating. The wound has not been released.

Thoughts and feelings of resentment, anger, and hatred represent slow, debilitating energies that will only drain, create disharmony within and dis-empower us over time if we continue to let them occupy space in our energy field.

Releasing them gives the soul the ability to experience more peace and harmony, raise ones vibrational frequency to new heights and experiences, thus attracting higher level connections, higher love and respect and enabling one to move beyond suffering and into more peace.

Join us as we take you to the 12th Dimension to Kuan Yin’s Temple of Forgiveness and hold you in sacred loving space as you release and let go. We are here to assist you through sacred rituals to forgive and let go and move forward with your life.


Online Session

Approx Time 60 Minutes

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