Temple of Ma Kali in the 12th Dimension - Soul Liberation

Temple of Ma Kali in the 12th Dimension - Soul Liberation


Goddess Kali is known as the great cosmic mother of liberation. A tantric goddess and a powerful creator. Her blue light transmutes everything in its path that is not of the highest vibration.

She holds up a mirror for you to see where you have stagnating in your life and where you have played small. She will show you many things. Kali is fierce, protective and not afraid of her power.

Kali enters your life when its time for change. She wants to show you to your greatness and truth. She will not let you settle for less than you deserve.

Here temple is high in the etheric realms. Filled with stunning sapphires and other precious gems. The energy is powerful, healing and liberating.

In Kali’s temple she will she you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

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