Journey To Atlantis To The Emerald City of Light - Advanced Light Technology

Journey To Atlantis To The Emerald City of Light - Advanced Light Technology


The light technology of Atlantis is still very alive today lying at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. We have access to these sacred places as we travel through the secret portals and energetic walkways that will help us remember ancient technology and our higher wisdom which is being called for now as we come into our wholeness.

The Atlanteans were incredibly advanced beings on Earth who used their higher gifts. Highly intelligent, highly evolved but overtime started to misuse their gifts which led to fighting and battles and eventually a huge cataclysm led to the destruction of Atlantis and all beings perished.

We still carry the memories of this time inside of us and the message from the Atlanteans is that you have a second chance now to embrace your sacred gifts and use them for the higher good of the planet and its evolution.

We invite you into this space for remembering, healing, activation and receiving the high frequency Atlantean technology that will awaken you deeper and help you to reconnect with your soul gifts.

We will enter the Emerald Temple together as we travel through space and time, through an energetic portal and you will be guided throughout the session. Truly sacred.

Journey time Approx 60 Minutes

Online Session.

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