Journey To 15th Dimension with the Archangels

Journey To 15th Dimension with the Archangels


Join me and The Five Archangels AA Michael, AA Raphael, AA Gabriel, AA Uriel and AA Metatron and journey with us to the 15th Dimension for light body activations, downloads and blessings from the Crystalline Angel. Bathe in the Rainbow Light and receive your individual messages and activation of your crystalline light body.

We will travel up on the wings of the five Archangels to receive our activations. As our light body is activated with crystalline light ... we receive our codes and downloads, alignment with our soul path and blueprint, and with the work we have chosen to do now.

We are in a great time of transition, and we are all being called to take up our positions and serve the light. These are advanced light body activations for souls who are on a spiritual journey who wish to open up more to more awareness and higher consciousness and activations of soul gifts.

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