Ancient Mystery School Magic Great Halls of Knowledge - Sacred Books of the Akasha

Ancient Mystery School Magic Great Halls of Knowledge - Sacred Books of the Akasha


Deep in the etheric realms in the Ancient Mystery Schools are the Great Halls of Knowledge that hold the Akasha and your sacred book of wisdom is sitting in this library of spiritual knowledge.

This is such a stunning session as Goddess Isis holds space and together we take you to the Great Halls.

We have journeyed through time and space to the Great Halls in Mystery School Magic, and I am also offering this as a one to one so that you can have enough time here to decipher the meanings of the sacred symbols, the wisdom of the books and the incredible visions you will have here.

This session will activate your third eye and gift of inner sight, meet Rumi who spends so much time here. It is a place like no other, mind blowing - like a scene out of Harry Potter.

Truly powerful!

If you feel guided to experience this session, it is a great honour to take you there to experience the magnificent high vibrational light of the Great Halls of Knowledge.

Approx 60 Minutes

Online session and the recording of your session is provided.

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