Pathway to Happiness with the Council of 11

Pathway to Happiness with the Council of 11


As human beings we all want to be happy, feel joy and live a fulfilling life. So why are so many people unhappy, unfulfilled and not experiencing the joy they desire.

It is time to dive deep and get personal with ourselves, to peel away the layers that block us from understanding and experiencing more happiness in our lives. As we shine a light into this sacred held space for you, many things will be highlighted for you to look at, understand and heal.

Bring a mirror! We will be doing some mirror work. It will be a beautiful time together to learn, share, and discover more about ourselves. As we shed light, we can make the changes we need to make in order to move towards our ‘true north’ and happy place.

We will look at:

Money and Abundance


Self acceptance

Soul and Human Desire

Join me and the Council of 11 in this beautiful workshop ‘Pathway to Happiness’.

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