What if this was our last lifetime here on Earth...
As I walked in the forest today... The guides said this was going to be my last lifetime here on Earth....
This message touched me to my core....What if this was for so many of us the last lifetime here on Earth… how would we spend it?
We often get lost in our day to day and forget how precious our human life and experience really is.
If we knew that this was it, the lifetime that we came for to finally shift the Earth into a new vibration and that we would never have to return... how would we show up every day?
What if we had learnt all our lessons, released all karmic attachments, healed our past, fully stepped into our higher calling and higher power, stepped into full alignment, into our authentic truth and set ourselves free in every way… we would not need to come back.
What would we do with the life we have if we fully understood this...We would be so damn present in every single moment
We would not want to miss a thing
We would truly see with open eyes and deep gratitude in our hearts
We would walk the Earth fully AWAKE
We would love everything and everyone
We would look at our children and love them in every way
We would tell our family and friends how much they mean to us
We would have more adventures and see Earth and all its magnificent glory.
We would be so present and enjoy eating and tasting the foods that we get to enjoy here
We would listen to music and dance more
We would love our human body and appreciate the gifts of being in a human body
We would love, kiss, hug and make love more
We would laugh, dance, play and sing more
We wouldn't take life so seriously
We would make peace, be peace and smile more
We would forgive and let go and not hold on to grudges
We wouldn't create karma again with unkind words
We would leave a legacy of love and a trail for others to follow so that they too could find their way out of the fog
We would be more present to the sensations of joy and relish in the happy moments, find fulfilment and embrace each moment with total acceptance and total presence
We would be more loving towards our body and thank it for all it does and gives to us
We would say 'I love you' more and really mean it
We would all support each other and create a community of love and oneness and help each other return to Source
We would have such deep compassion for everything and everyone
We would make time for the things we love
We would create, write, journal, share more and leave it as part of our legacy here on Earth knowing we made a difference
We would spread our messages of love for all to hear without any fear
We would worry less
Be more free
Not care so much of what others think of us
Be true to ourselves
Engage with life more
Create balance in every way
Resolve differences
Get ourselves back on track
Forgive and simply send love
Be a little more crazy, wild and free
Tell the mind to take a chill pill and hush!
Speak our truth
Share our wisdom
Do the inner work to set ourselves free
Oh the list goes on.....We would truly show up in every way before we left this beautiful planet!
I wish that we can all reflect on this as many have the opportunity to leave after this lifetime. We can spend our life not wanting to be here, or we can spend the rest of our lives fully being here. I know what I want to do.
Sending big hugs and so much love to you. Lets continue to do the inner work and keep rising!