Watching our Words and Choosing the Higher Vibrations this October
I hope you are all well. We are half way through October, with a new moon in a couple of days and mercury in retrograde. We are in for a few interesting months.
I am sure you are feeling the ups and downs of the energy. You may find that you are feeling happy and balanced one minute, and then low and emotional or triggered the next. There is so much going on in our lives and the world, things are being dismantled in order to birth something new. It is going to feel very topsy turvy for a while. There is much healing taking place. Lots of alchemizing of fear, anger, aggression and overwhelm on the world stage.
In meditation I received a message that it is very important to stay within ourselves this month as much as possible and be very present with our thoughts and reactions to situations. As we become super present, we can be observers of our emotions and our reactions and if we see ourselves slipping into a lower vibration, to try and change our frequency. Healthy attachment and staying balanced through this time is key to navigate through it.
Keep raising your vibrations and channelling it into love. Choose to engage in activities that create more love, and not more fear. Choose to speak of goodness and not lack. Try and see why things have played out the way they have, and even though you may not understand the situation right now, trusting the universe in trying to steer you towards a better outcome for your soul. The soul is always learning, growing and healing deep wounds at this time. We are shifting into a whole new paradigm and any kind of lack, fear and anger must be transmuted at this time.
We are letting go on incredible levels and everything that has been buried within is coming up to the surface for understanding, transformation and healing.
We are also manifesting at rapid speeds, so remember to be VERY mindful of your thoughts and words at this time. October and November are intense months as many themes are playing out, the elections in the USA, and many other situations around the world, we will see deeper divides, more anger, aggression, blame and judgement. The key is not to react but observe. Not to get pulled into judgement but stay grounded and see the bigger picture, hold a balanced space, breathe, do some daily affirmations to calm the mind and focus on your own self-mastery.
As you continue to stay balanced not only are you anchoring a new reality for yourselves, but also holding the higher frequencies for the planet.
There are new frequencies of light streaming in for 11/11 and 12/12 and we are preparing the emotional, mental, energetic and physical body to receive. If you feel guided to detox the body during this time please do so, as you may physically feel the symptoms of the vibrations coming in. We are making space to receive the higher frequencies.