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Quantum Alchemist, Cosmic Guide, Celestial Blue Ray

A Quantum and Cosmic Alchemist / Oracle, Grand Master Healer, Channel, 12D-22D DNA Activator and New Earth Guide. Neelam is the founder of Circle of Light - leading, supporting and nurturing a conscious global community of heart centred souls that are focused on self transformation and expansion with the intention to empower all. The essence of her work is based in authenticity, integrity, compassion, peace, balance and love. As a master and teacher of inner alchemy and inner alignment with Source, she gives us the tools to reclaim our power and true mastery. Her work not only balances the mental, emotional and physical bodies but also at a universal level, restoring quantum and cosmic harmony, balance and alignment. Before embarking on her spiritual path, Neelam was a director in the corporate world of finance.

Neelam is a powerful receiver and transmitter of new advanced technologies coming to Earth. She receives direct information from Source and various Star Councils, I AM Councils, Angelic Councils and Ascended Masters of Light. She opens the doors to a multitude of Mystery Schools from Ancient Egypt, Sirius, Arcturus, Venus, Andromeda, Pleiades, to Lemuria, Atlantis, The Essenes, Magdalene Rose, Melchizedek, Metatron, Merlin, The Holy Grail and Emerald Tablet Wisdom Codes as well as teaching souls how to channel, bringing back ancient wisdom, and giving powerful high frequency activations and DNA upgrades to help souls access their heritage and true source of power. She is here to be a way shower of cosmic infinite connection and divine alignment to Oneness.

Her work is so unique and powerful as she transmutes, transmits and transforms energy in the physical, mental, emotional and energetic body, as well as clearing multidimensionally throughout the souls quantum and cosmic fields and also throughout their past lives. Souls experience huge expansion through her high frequency energy transmissions and teachings. Her mission here is to help humanity move beyond fear, suffering, sickness and limitation and into the higher vibrations of balance, peace, harmony, love, flow and liberation of the soul.

Neelam is passionate about assisting leaders in their field, businesses, pioneers, creatives, lightworkers and starseeds who are here to build the New Earth template by helping them open the doors to their greatness and soul calling. ‘Every soul comes to Earth with a unique set of gifts, and we are here to help you unlock your gifts, your magic and access your authentic soul truth and ancient wisdom’.

Trusted by thousands of souls from all around the world, Neelam’s unique and powerful meditations, transmissions, workshops, teachings and global in person retreats help souls to advance on their unique journey. Many feel a deep sense of peace and comfort being in her presence and often call her the cosmic mother. Neelam brings her unique essence of divine love to Earth, and her angelic voice which takes souls to the deepest places to heal within as she can go to those places where many cannot reach. She embodies the love of the higher dimensions and shares her love in abundance. She has the keys to open the locks to the multiverse and beyond. A journey with Neelam is transformational and will open new doors of opportunity and expanded possibilities. She will show you back to your heart and the true power of love within.

Love is the key that unlocks the door to our greatest human potential. Love is the key and bridge to the 5th dimension and beyond.

May light illuminate our planet,
May love fill our hearts,
May fear be eradicated,
May all humans be free and liberated. 
My greatest wish and mission here on Earth.



Journey to the Heart



5 Day Circle of Light Spiritual Retreat with Quantum Alchemist Neelam Sareen



Our Glastonbury retreat is very popular and sells out fast!

We have limited spaces!

Please book early to avoid disappointment

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Start Your Journey With Neelam


Meditation & Transmission MP3’s

Experience a vast range of powerful quantum and cosmic meditations and transmissions. Download and keep for life and use them as often as needed for clearing, healing, inner peace and raising your vibrational frequency.

Courses & Workshops

Step into a container of alchemical light and transformation. Experience expansion, healing, and soul growth as you journey with us. Experience our very unique, inspirational, divinely guided and high vibrational courses.

Private 1:1’s with Neelam

Neelam offers an incredible selection of powerful and transformational one to one sessions. Let your intuition guide you to what you need, or we can create a bespoke session for you. There is NO limitation as to where we can take the sessions.