Nikola Tesla - Awaken To Your Truth
Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest inventors of his time. He was so ahead of his time, so incredibly awakened, having gained such amazing knowledge about light, energy, and frequency.
He dedicated his entire life to creation and never married. His passion was to invent. Tesla’s inventions are still very much in use to this day. He designed the first AC Hydroelectric power plant at Niagra Falls. He was famous for the “Tesla Coil” which is still used in radio technology today.
He was obsessed with the wireless transmission of energy and he understood how to harness universal energy. Tesla had a great plan to build a global wireless communication system to be transmitted through a large electrical tower for sharing information, and providing free electricity throughout the world.
He stated that “If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. He always said to create … be alone, that is when ideas are born”. I totally agree!
Tesla was about to reveal his new technology to help humanity access free energy and free electricity so that we wouldn't remain trapped in the system. He had developed technology that could harness this energy for our evolution but he was seen as a threat by those who wanted control over the people and so he was removed and poisoned. Well ... he is back, and working from a higher dimensional vibration and he has much work and knowledge to bring through to help with our Ascension Process.