Coronavirus from a Spiritual Perspective and Growth for Humanity
Coronavirus from a Spiritual Perspective and Growth for Humanity
I wanted to bring a spiritual perspective and a birds eye view of what is happening for us as a human collective with the coronavirus. There will be many challenges and situations through the coming years and much change has been shown in meditation that is coming to Earth. How we individually and collectively handle it is key. Do we feed the fear and give our power away to something external to us or do we go within and take back our power...
Here is my perspective as I connect with my guides to show me the bigger picture..
It is forcing us to go within to be at home with ourselves... to get comfortable with ourselves.
We have become too attached to external things and distractions and we can often avoid being with ourselves and forgetting the simple pleasures that enrich our lives, the simple moments of connection and conversation.
We have to be with ourselves, connect with ourselves, become observers of our fears, transmute our fears and see with gratitude what is good in our lives, what is important in our lives and how we can survive and live within our means and living a simple life.
It is time to go within as a great awakening is happening on the planet. If we do not heed the call to connect, to speak to our guides to stop blaming and pointing the finger externally but instead reconnect with our souls. To remember what makes us tick, what brings us joy, what we take for granted and what we forget to acknowledge in our everyday lives.
Gratitude is the key to a balanced and peaceful life, reconnection with our soul is key to knowing ourselves deeper. Fear and stress for situations happening externally will always have control over us... it is time to take back control and take charge of our lives.
There are many lessons for growth through this time on Earth. It does not matter how the external challenge presents itself, it is how we react to it, it is an opportunity to grow, learn and move through it with compassion, understanding and love.
When we are vibrating in the frequency of love and not fear, in the frequency of peace and not chaos, when we are calm and not in fight or flight... our immune system can do what it needs to and all will be well. Fear feeds more fear, more chaos and more panic. It breaks down our immune system and it puts pressure on our body’s natural defences.
There are many lessons here for the soul if we are willing to pull ourselves away from the fear and the media’s spin on the situation that amplifies the fear. Go within listen to your gut, find your inner peace. It is here that lies your power and the doorway to another world. ❤️