August 2018 Energies - Heart Chakra Activations
AUGUST ENERGIES - Eclipse Season and Heart Activations💖
I hope you are well and surviving these incredible emotional waves of eclipse energy that are currently flooding our lives.
We are moving through intense times of soul growth and awakening and receiving huge downloads and activations at this time. These downloads are coming from our Galactic Families, Ascended Masters, Angelic Beings, Ancestral Soul Family and various support teams that surround us at all times wanting to help us on our soul's journey. We are deeply connected to them and they love us unconditionally, they are with us in every moment of every day so call upon them to help you during this time. The heart chakra is being activated to deeper soul love and intimate soul to soul connection, expansion, authenticity and communication.
These eclipses are bringing to the surface all of our suppressed emotions, hidden shadow aspects and deeply suppressed desires to feel, understand, accept and align with.
We are releasing, purging and opening our hearts to unconditional love, and moving beyond conditional love that we have been so accustomed to in this dimension.
Do we really understand what true freedom of the soul means for us as that is where we are heading. Letting go of all conditionings, restrictions, limitations and suppression that puts our love in a box... letting go of all the should's, and the cant's to embody our truest and deepest desires of fulfilment and joy. Freedom to express our love and ourselves in whatever way feels aligned for us individually and moving beyond social conditioning, religious conditioning, cultural conditioning of how we are 'allowed' to express ourselves and our truth in front of others. This is where we are heading... being transparent about our emotions, our truth, our lives and having freedom to express ourselves in our unique and authentic ways.
This will cause much chaos in the world, in relationships and connections, but honesty, authenticity, acceptance of our truth and real heart to heart connection and expansion of our soul will eventually liberate us to be 'free' in every sense of the word.
Many events, people and places are aligning synchronistically and we are being connected to those souls who are a big part of the next chapter of our lives. Authentic partnerships are forming and we are aligning in every sense of the word. Aligning to our heart, aligning to our soul and mission and aligning to our truth.
We are moving into very new times here on Earth and huge activations are taking place this month as we re-member our galactic origins and why we came to Earth.
If we are not aligned with our purpose and truth, the Universe and our Soul is bringing us into alignment on all levels of the mind, the body and the spirit, so being present is so important as you receive your information. This could be through other souls, healers, repeating numbers, dreams, visions, past life flashbacks. Meditation and nature are so important during these times to help you go within.
It is so important to slow down this August and allow the emotions to rise and move through you. Let the sadness rise from the heart ... let all the old stories be purged and released so that you can embody your true self.
I always take August off as I go through massive shifts and remember more and more of my soul gifts and gain greater clarity of whats coming in the months ahead. We also need our time for our soul growth and activations. I will be back in September and full steam ahead.
For a few weeks now I have been sensing something massive coming in October and the Universe has asked me to up my classes of meditation as many souls are going to be experiencing the chaos and awakening process and we are being asked to hold the light.
I am running monthly meditations on the radio in the USA and all shows are available to listen to on my website.
These will help you stay centred and help you connect to beings in the other dimensions, their love and energy, building our connection and knowing without any doubt that they are there for us.
I am also scheduling a whole series of Soul Activation Meditations from September to help people through these shifts.
Meditate With Neelam and Jesus - 21st August - 9AM PST, 12PM EST, 5PM GMT…/events/250169608/
I will be bringing through the energy of Jesus and his channelled wisdom. Whenever I channel him... I cry. His love is so overwhelming and beautiful. The purest love imaginable. Words do not even touch this incredible love. I look forward to bringing his energy through.
Starting on September 10th I am running a new series of group meditations and soul activations. Powerful energies, connections and assisting groups through the next phase of their journey. These will be held at The Coach House, Esgors, Epping CM16 6LY every other Monday evening. They are transformational sessions.
SEPTEMBER 10th:…/events/253077752/
SEPTEMBER 24th:…/events/253093678/
In the meantime please rest, allow the emotions to rise and acknowledge your inner desires and truth. Allow yourselves to live a life that expresses your true self without fear and call in your guides, they are waiting to assist you. They need your permission.
Important dates for August for energy activations:
Lions Gate Activation Portal - 8th August
Next Eclipse - 11th August
I will see you all in September. My love and blessings and huge hugs to you all. I love you ❤️