Full Moon Transmissions – Working With Dolores Cannon, Masaru Emoto And Nikola Tesla - Activating and Awakening our DNA
Hey my lovelies, I hope you have all been well and embraced the energies of the New Moon on Sunday. It was also a time of celebration amongst Hindus and Sikhs as candles were lit all over the world celebrating Diwali - The Festival of Lights.
I am feeling strongly guided to write today and share some important information with you all as we begin to work with these beautiful beings of light. Sharing information and knowledge is key to our evolution and transformation. I am being guided to share the following information with you all to help you gain clarity and understanding of the work that we are currently doing in the transmissions and the ones to come in the future months.
Dolores Cannon, Dr Masaru Emoto, and Nikola Tesla – 3 incredible souls who made such a monumental difference to our world. Deep gratitude goes out to them for their pioneering ways of taking energy work forward. They will be working with me over the coming months to awaken and activate our light within.
Dolores Cannon passed away on Oct 18th 2014
Dolores Cannon was a pioneer in the field of past life regression work, and developed the QHHT technique – Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. In her sessions with her clients, she was able to take individuals beyond the conscious mind and deep into the subconscious where they had access to everything. She was able to bring through knowledge from this place to help teach and heal emotional wounds and negative belief systems that trapped the mind, body and soul. She helped thousands of clients around the world. She wrote many books, and travelled all over the world teaching, speaking and sharing her wisdom. She truly lived her passion in every moment of her awakened life.
Dolores said that the awakening is the purpose. Awakening of the fact that in essence, we are light, we are love. The power source that runs all life is light. So to awaken to that knowledge, and to desire to operate in that realm, and to believe that it is possible.
Masaru Emoto passed away on Oct 17th 2014
Dr Masaru Emoto was a Japanese author, researcher and photographer. His pioneering work demonstrated the effects of vibration and consciousness upon water. He claimed and documented how human consciousness had an effect on the molecular structure of water. He showed through his photographic images how the words we use affect the water crystals in our body. He observed that as we are made up of 70% water, our thoughts, words, emotions, and also music directly affected our bodies. He concluded that if all the people in the world could have love and gratitude in their hearts, the pristine beauty of the earth would once again return. He believed that we could heal ourselves, and our planet, which is also made up of 70% water, by consciously expressing love and goodwill. He believed that water held within it the wisdom of the Universe, and we all had access to it.
By holding, thinking, speaking and acting with the intention of peace towards water, water could bring peace to our bodies, and the world.
“To understand water is to understand the cosmos, the marvels of nature and life itself.”
Nikola Tesla passed away on Jan 7th 1943
Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest inventors of his time. He was so ahead of his time, so incredibly awakened, having gained such amazing knowledge about light, energy, and frequency.
He dedicated his entire life to creation and never married. His passion was to invent. Tesla’s inventions are still very much in use to this day. He designed the first AC Hydroelectric power plant at Niagra Falls. He was famous for the “Tesla Coil” which is still used in radio technology today.
He was obsessed with the wireless transmission of energy and he understood how to harness universal energy. Tesla had a great plan to build a global wireless communication system to be transmitted through a large electrical tower for sharing information, and providing free electricity throughout the world.
He stated that “If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. He always said to create … be alone, that is when ideas are born”. I totally agree!
Tesla was about to reveal his new technology to help humanity access free energy and free electricity so that we wouldn't remain trapped in the system. He had developed technology that could harness this energy for our evolution but he was seen as a threat by those who wanted control over the people and so he was removed and poisoned. Well ... he is back, and working from a higher dimensional vibration and he has much work and knowledge to bring through to help with our Ascension Process.
The message from Tesla, Dolores, Emoto and all Higher Dimensional Beings of light to Humanity is “AWAKEN … AWAKEN … AWAKEN – Remember who you are”
Emotional Stress and Negative Belief Patterns and Programs
Emotional stress can become stored in the bones and it blocks our flow, and becomes trapped in the body, especially in the Spine, The Pineal Gland and The Hypothalamus.
This repression and suppression of emotions causes illness and dis-ease in the body and mind and blocks our energetic flow. By raising our vibration, by releasing the stress-based emotions that are stored within our bodies, by releasing the negative belief systems and fear-based emotions which block our freedom, we start to awaken. These limitations are causing our DNA to remain inactive. We must release, heal and let go of these fear based emotions so that we can move towards higher planes of consciousness.
Everything is Energy
Everything is energy. We have a choice in every moment of every day. We can choose to remain trapped by our stories and continue to be a victim of our life, or we can choose to transcend the illusion, to empower ourselves and to raise our vibration higher and beyond our stories and the dramas of our day to day lives as this keeps us trapped in our 3D system. We must free ourselves from all ancestral, religious, societal and karmic beliefs and imprints and create our own belief systems, which match our own inner truth.
Listen to your intuition, listen to your heart and trust that inner knowing, your own internal satnav that is continually trying to guide you and align you to your souls destiny.
It is important that we connect to our heart centre, our truth, our Higher Selves, and Source Energy. We must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration as that is what we are.
Awakening and Activating the Pineal and Hypothalamus Glands
Pineal Gland
The Pineal Gland is located in the centre of the brain in the Epithalamus, and is in the shape of a pinecone. It affects how we think and feel. It determines our stress levels, hormone levels, and physical performance.
By activating the pineal gland we wake up our energy levels. Meditation is key to help wake up this gland. By cleaning up and activating this gland, it helps us develop our multidimensional perception. An awakened pineal gland brings the ability to consciously astral travel, explore other dimensions, foresee the future, and receive communications from higher dimensional beings.
We are designed to be visionaries, to be able to tap into information from other dimensions but we are trapped in a system that makes us left-brain thinkers rather than right brain intuitive, creative beings.
We must move beyond fear and ego, heal our suffering, resolve our conflicts and karmic patterns with love, forgiveness and compassion, and raise our vibration to move beyond our stories. We must operate from our right brains to access our truth and our multi-dimensional abilities.
The Hypothalamus is also found in the brain. It is known as the ‘Master Gland’.
It regulates emotions such as fear, rage and anger. By activating and balancing this gland we awaken aspects of ourselves that merge the physical and the spiritual. By regulating our emotions we release stress, anger and negative imprints that deeply affect our bodies and lives. This gland is very responsive to light and so when we work with energy and light activations, the hypothalamus responds beautifully. Kundalini yoga and meditation also help with the balancing of this gland.
I do a lot of work with the Chakra System. In fact when I began to awaken I remember having an ‘aha’ light-bulb moment and telling everyone... “It’s all about the chakras.” I still feel the same to this day and it has always been of utmost importance for me to balance, open and align the energetic body through the chakra system for my clients and groups.
When chakras are out of balance it affects the free flow of energy through our energy centers and so the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of ourselves become out of balance, creating stagnation, blockages, emotional, mental and physical issues and ill health.
We have seven endocrines each one related to one of the seven chakras. If one of the endocrines is not working properly, it affects all the others too, especially the pituitary and hypothalamus.
The proper functioning of our endocrine system is essential to balance all the corresponding chakras, which then creates the potential for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual transcendence and enlightenment.
DNA Activations
Our DNA is the blueprint of our life, and exists inside each of our cells. Each DNA strand corresponds to a dimensional band of consciousness. Our DNA template is made up of 12 strands. This is representative of the 12 dimensions of consciousness. The 12th dimension is Source. Most of Humanity is only operating on 3 or 4 strands of DNA, which only enables one to live in a state of 3rd and 4th dimensional reality. This is a very dense state and traps the soul from experiencing other realities.
The other DNA strands lie dormant, compressed and trapped by emotional imprints in the cellular memories and negative core beliefs, which dictate our lives. Once activated humanity starts to awaken, evolve from a denser state of reality to a higher state becoming more crystalline and moving towards a lighter body, which is ultimately what we are – an energy light body.
Our ultimate aim here on earth is to eventually evolve from a 3rd dimensional duality system (of separation, ego and fear) and move towards unity, love and compassion and become one with Source.
As human beings we have forgotten that we are the writers of our scripts; that we have co-created every experience we are exposed to, that we are energy and we must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
We have forgotten that we are limitless beings, we are magical manifestors, we are creative alchemists. The system keeps us trapped from believing in our own truth and power. Our stories keep us trapped in our victim mentality.
We are now removing these blocks through high energy healing work. This will begin to rewire our circuits, help us access and activate our soul identities, and our avatar abilities … and yes… we ALL have these. We are just at different stages of awareness.
We are here to help you to awaken to your truth, your full potential and your beautiful multidimensional gifts and talents which are lying dormant within your being.
Are you ready to awaken …
Energy Transmissions and High Energy Healing Work
Transmissions are exactly like a wireless communication system… people connect in from all over the globe… and for the length of the transmission, a person will receive the full energy transmission no matter what time zone they are in. Energy transmissions work instantly. There is no limitation whatsoever of time and space. One receives a direct line of energy.
When I channel energy through my transmissions, I become a tower of energy, a conduit of universal light, bringing through light and love into the whole room and to all those individuals who are connecting in remotely. The energy that is received carries higher wisdom, universal intelligence, a high frequency of light, healing and unconditional love to awaken and activate individuals to start remembering their inner truth and divine soul blueprint. These high-energy transmissions light up our insides, just like a house receiving electricity and being lit. It enables us to see clearly beyond the fog of the illusion. Science and Spirituality are so inter-connected and are here to work together to help humanity evolve.
I love energy transmissions, as they are a way of harnessing the universal energy through the body, becoming a vessel and a conduit of light, where anyone from around the globe can be connected in to receive the transmission, very much like Tesla’s global wireless communication system. A transmission of energy works in exactly the same.
When it comes to energy, there is no limitation of time and space, and everything is happening now, and everything is possible if we believe.
If we as human beings understood just how powerful we are, we could light up the whole world with our own energy. This is the vision that I often see in my dreams, an interlinked network of human light beams crisscrossing the globe and lighting up the earth with love, peace, and compassion, raising the energy levels and vibration of the planet for other lightworkers to awaken and come together and to awaken the people of this planet to their truth, their multidimensional gifts and talents and to work together to make our world stronger, brighter, more authentic and peaceful and compassionate. One day I believe this will become a reality.
It doesn’t matter who you work with.. Galactic Beings, Ascended Masters, Guides. The message coming through so strongly is this…
“Awaken, Activate, Evolve to a Higher State of Consciousness. Do everything in your power to find your truth, to raise your vibration, frequency and energy levels. Activate your light bodies. Remember who you are. Remember your gifts and talents. Live your life to your full potential. Find your passion and align yourselves with your souls blueprint. The time is NOW. Awaken… Awaken… Awaken dear ones… we are with you.”
I hope you find this information helpful and brings light to help you all awaken your own personal light so that we can all shine brightly in our world.
Sending lots of love, light and blessings,
Neelam xxxx