Mens Sexual Healing - Past Life, Abuse, Shame, Sexual Trauma, Intimacy
"Sexuality can be a vehicle into spirituality rather than an obstacle to it."
Men carry deep pain and wounding from the past and emotions of shame, guilt and sexual trauma in their prostate and sexual organs. This can cause issues of intimacy within themselves, but also with others.
Feeling unsafe, exposed, not protected as a child. Often the prostate is connected to power struggles with a father figure and the loss of power and control creating deep fear which often gets locked away.
Many of these emotions are held in our sexual organs and it can create havoc in our lives blocking us from experiencing real joy, fulfilment and deep connection with our passion and truth.
This session is for MEN ONLY to transmute and release trauma that you may hold in your sexual organs.
We also carry so much ancestral trauma here too. Our sexual organs are a part of us, yet there is still deep ignorance in our modern day world about the stigma we have placed on this part of our body and the importance of recognition and healing in order to move into higher states of consciousness and oneness.
Physical issues can occur in the lower back, glutes and sexual organs. It can affect our sex drive, create sexual dysfunction, unhealthy imbalanced relationships, addictions, and deep fear in our root.
As we bring healing and awareness we can let go and experience greater connection in our lives.