Journey into your Heart – Open to Love and Abundance
The heart is a portal to the divine, a gateway to the cosmos, to unconditional love, abundance, fulfilment, joy and flow. The heart opens up to so much, but over lifetimes we build up protective armour around our heart to avoid getting hurt again. Memories of heartache, betrayal, rejection, abandonment and loss often lead to imbalanced relationships, imbalance in giving and receiving, and mistrust in opening our hearts to experience deep fulfilling love.
We will journey into our heart to explore and get to know ourselves deeper. De armouring is a powerful process of being vulnerable, exploring and understanding what we hold in our sacred heart and why. As we let go, we allow intimate reconnection with ourselves and our heart, and we open the doors to unconditional love.
What We Will Explore Together:
Process of De-armouring the Heart
Practise of Self Love and Tools & Rituals for Self Love and Self Care
Love in Relationships
(lessons, gaining perspective, releasing the old and building trust, healthy boundaries and balance)
As we observe our wounds and patterns, we have the opportunity to open our hearts to new expansion and growth, we can let go of the old program that has limited our experience of love and observe our defence mechanisms. We can create healthy boundaries and surrender deeper into the flow of our sacred heart and soul journey.
Moving towards unconditional love begins with us loving all parts of ourselves including our past and what it taught us. Intimacy starts with the self and then it radiates out to all around us.
As always the workshops are assisted by higher beings, ascended masters, angelic guides and we work with the group energy coming together. These are intimate group sessions with lots of group exercises and sharing.
We look forward to the magic that will unfold for you, ready for new creations in your life.
“Neelam is so connected that you can feel the power of her healing beyond time and space. Her voice, sounds and channeling has truly healed my heart. Thank you ❤️
“Neelam is a pure divine conduit of the highest divine light. I feel and see her light very clearly. It is crystal clear, divine and pure love ... a rare and beautiful soul walking amongst us. I feel so grateful and blessed to receive from her.
“Working with Neelam has been incredible. I have cleared more emotional baggage in just a few sessions with her than I have in my entire lifetime of receiving counselling and therapy. She is the real deal and I have experienced so much expansion in her presence. Deeply grateful. Sue xxxx”