Design Your Destiny - Co-Create with Spirit & Move Beyond Limitation
We are at the very early stages of a new era and new way of thinking and creating our lives. The paintbrush is in our hands and so is the blank canvas. In this sacred time together we will get to the heart of who you are, what your soul desires and what your guides wish to share with you.
It is time for freedom, expression, truth and following your authentic soul path.
The guides have been asking me to start this workshop since 2019 when I first heard the title come to me. It is now ready to be birthed in the physical.
Remembering that we are part of the Universe and our number one relationship is with our soul and spirit. In every moment we have numerous timelines that are available to us, when we co-create with spirit we can align to our greatest timelines and create the reality we desire. In this workshop we will delve into the various timelines that are available to us, and we will work together to build your future timelines and what your guides and soul wish for you to experience. Once the images are imprinted in the mind and heart, it is not to know the how, but to take the action steps forward where guided and co-create with spirit to make it a reality.
When we can align to our highest divine potential by working in alignment with spirit, we can experience deep inner peace, connection, joy and fulfilment on our path.
“Imagination is the key to creation”
In this workshop you will learn the following:
1. Understanding Timelines and How to Create New Timelines
(I will guide you into 6 different timelines through deep meditation)
2. Looking at Limiting Beliefs that block you from experiencing your Highest Timelines
(bringing awareness and exercises to re-pattern our limiting beliefs)
3. Bringing out the Inner Child to play and create
4. Embracing your 5d Self and what your Guides want for you to experience
4. Building your ‘Legacy’ here on Earth
5. Creating ‘Your New Mission Statement’ as you evolve
We will journey with Dream Catcher, Genie and the Magic Lamp, Dorothy and the Red Magic Slippers, Fairy God Mother and many more magical beings. The magic is alive in this moment and our inner child will show us the way to our joy and soul fulfilment.
We are creators of our reality in every moment. When we know how to listen, how to hear the messages and know when to take the action steps forward, we can truly step towards a more fulfilling and enriching soul journey and human experience.
Through deep meditation and journeying we will explore our timelines and delve into your soul’s path. It will be a beautiful journey of self-discovery to see what is available to you. We can start building that reality right now.
Let’s explore your timelines deeper and assist you in aligning to your highest soul expression and calling.
As always the workshops are assisted by higher beings, ascended masters, angelic guides and we work with the group energy coming together. These are intimate group sessions, full of healing, high vibrations, activations, with lots of group exercises and sharing. The magic is always so alive in our beautiful events.
*Alignment with the times of change and anchoring our expanded 5D selves here on Earth.
For information of other events, click here
“Each encounter with Neelam raises my frequency and increases my clairvoyant connections. Knowing my true source and the degree to which I’m supported by higher beings boosts my confidence and ability to do this work. Through Neelam I’ve finally found the deeper information I’ve been seeking for decades. With sincere thanks.”
“This workshop was a journey of self-discovery, tapping into the unknown parts of me or places within me that I do not go very often, facing old wounds and limiting beliefs to transform them into love and compassion for myself. The work we did together gave me a glance of multiple possibilities that go beyond the expectations of my mind.
During the meditations I experienced a connection with my heart’s desires, I had a vision of me aligned to my true essence and to what is really important in life, many worries of my every day life vanished or did not exist in that realm. New perspectives of me and about what is possible were showed to me. We received guidance and inspiration from our higher self to manifest our vision. I appreciate the wisdom, compassion and guidance from Neelam taking us through different timelines, honouring our individual process, being fully present for us in each moment, holding her light and sacred space with so much love. Thank you Neelam for your support and for encouraging us to live our highest potential. xxx”
“Neelam’s Co-Creating Your Destiny with Spirit is simply magical :-) The three days were designed to help participants truly understand the infinite possibilities available in the Universe. Throughout the 3 days, we explored timelines in creative and fun ways using the Yellow Brick Road, Genie in a Bottle, among many other things.
Thank you Neelam for bringing us on that magical journey! It is amazingly life changing - as a result, I now have more inspiration and courage to take the next steps because I realize I am wonderfully and divinely guided. ”
“This workshop has been an absolute joy to create and the magic was jumping out at every second throughout the three days! It blew my mind. I feel so blessed to bring these creations to the physical world so that others can truly know and feel the magic that is all around us. We just need to know how to connect to it.